Kawakin Core-Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") considers that the protection of personal information entrusted to us in connection with the Company’s business is a significant responsibility. We will strive to protect personal information and have established the following personal information protection policy. This basic policy is posted on our website, company profile, etc. so it can be viewed at any time.
The Company will handle personal information appropriately by disseminating it to all persons engaged in the Company’s business in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and other norms, and various regulations related to the Company’s policy formulation.

Appropriate collection, use, provision and consignment of personal information

  1. When collecting personal information, we will specify the purpose of use as follows, collect information to the extent necessary, and use it within the scope of the purpose of use.
    In addition, personal information items are the addresses, company names, names, postal codes, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, and other personal information of customers, business partners, applicants for recruitment activities, and employees.
    1. (1)Personal information about the customer (if the customer is a corporate body, all officers of the corporate body)
      • Customer identity verification/personal authentication
      • Sales activities for customers who have downloaded product catalogs, etc. from the Company’s website
      • Contract negotiations, commencement of transactions, product delivery, product invoice preparation
      • Responding to, confirming, and recording customer’s inquiries, consultations, complaints, repairs, and support
      • Product development and other service amelioration / improvements
      • Amelioration / improvements for the usability of digital services (websites, mobile apps, etc.) provided by the Company
      • Advertisement and provision of information on products, services, etc. by means of invitations, e-mails, etc.(※1)
      • To conduct marketing research (including distribution of behavioral targeting advertisements, etc.) using advertisement distributors such as Google and Yahoo for those who have viewed our website(※1、2)

        (※1)We analyze information such as website browsing history and purchase history obtained from customers, and provide services, distribute advertisements, etc.

        (※2)The technology for recording and managing the information of customers who use the Company’s website through computers and application software is called a "cookie". The Company’s website uses cookies to make it even more convenient for customers. 【Please see our "Cookie Policy" for details on the handling of cookies.】

    2. (2)Personal information about business partners (if a business party is a corporate body, all officers and employees are included)
      • For communication necessary for business, fulfillment of contracts, business negotiations, etc.
      • For management of the business partners’ information
    3. (3)Personal information about applicants for hiring/recruitment activities
      • Contacting and providing information to applicants for hiring/recruitment activities, and other uses necessary for hiring/recruitment activities
    4. (4)Personal information about employees
      • Business communication to employees
      • Payment of remuneration (wage, bonus, various allowances, etc.) to employees, performance of personnel and labor management, provision of welfare benefits
      • Health management for employees
  2. The Company will jointly use the personal information of customers, business partners, applicants for hiring/recruitment activities, and employees as follows.
    1. (1)Personal information items

      Same as 1 above

    2. (2)Scope of joint users

      Our parent company Kawakin Holdings Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries

    3. (3)Purpose of use

      We will jointly use personal information within the scope of (1) Personal information about the customer and (4) Personal information about employees, stipulated above in Section 1, purpose of use.

    4. (4)Name, address, representative, etc. of the company responsible for managing personal data
      The Company has responsibility for shared personal data. Please see the end of this basic policy for information about the Company’s address and representative.

      For inquiries about shared use, please contact us at the "Inquiry Desk".

  3. Collected personal information will not be provided or disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.
    1. ① When the person’s consent is obtained in advance
    2. ② Situations covered by Article 27, Paragraph 2 (opt-out) or Article 27, Paragraph 5, Item 3 (shared use) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
    3. ③ When providing or disclosing information in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations
  4. When using personal information by entrusting it to a third party, we will examine the appropriateness of entrusting it to the third party by considering the third party’s safety management measures, we will take measures such as signing a confidentiality agreement with the third party when providing information, and we will make sure to appropriately supervise the third party.
    In order to prevent and correct unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will establish internal regulations and strive to implement safety measures.

Safety management measures for personal information

We will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures for the management of personal information, such as prevention of leakage, loss or damage. In addition, we will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over employees and contractors (including subcontractors, etc.) who handle personal information. Please contact us at the "Inquiry Desk" regarding the details of safety control measures for personal data.

Improvement measures

We will make efforts to respond appropriately to changes in the social environment regarding the handling of personal information. In addition, we will endeavor to improve this policy and other regulations by changing, modifying, or adding as necessary.

Responses to disclosure / correction requests, etc.

If you consider that the Company is not complying with this personal information protection policy, or if you wish to disclose, correct, add or delete, suspend the use of your personal information, please contact us at "Inquiry Desk". After confirming your identity, we will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe and within a reasonable scope, following the prescribed procedures.

Complaint handling

The Company will endeavor to respond to complaints regarding the personal information management appropriately and promptly.

Inquiry Contact Details

Kawakin Business Management Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Inquiry Desk, General Affairs Department
Opening hours: Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays, summer holidays, year-end and New Year holidays)

Established on 1 April, 2010
Revision date: 1 September, 2022

332-0015 Japan
Kawakin Core-Tech Co., Ltd.
President Shinkichi Suzuki